
What the heck is Link Baiting?

A few days ago, in conversation with one of the senior partners in our company, I heard the term “link baiting”. My immediate reaction was, “what’s that?” “It’s the latest buzzword in Search Engine Optimization. Actually, we’ve been doing it for years now, in fact, it harks back to our days in advertising”, said my senior partner, with a smile.
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Which SEO Hat to wear?

Did you know that when it comes to SEO, the conformist, the rebel and the fence sitter really exist on the WWW? And they even have a color and a hat attached?
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Top 5 Copywriting Blogs

Not really… More like, “A Few Copywriting Blogs; which we’re unsure whether are in the top 5, or best read, or most viewed.” None particularly crafty, praiseworthy, or enthusiasm-generating. Most fail to be literally appealing.
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Business Networking Tips

I have put together a list of links on Business Networking, which I have found very helpful. Browse through these and enrich yourself.
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The Origins of Social Networking

I have always had an abiding interest in business networking. In particular, I have been seized for a while with issues such as the origins of networking and what makes networks grow.
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IdeaStorm brews community ketchup

The other day, as part of my regular gallivant on the web, I spotted IdeaStorm, the new community site by Dell Computers.
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