Masterclass on ROI-Driven Websites Receives A Huge Response

On 26 September 2020, we held a Masterclass on Creating Websites That Produce ROI

Check the Recorded Video of the Masterclass


Download the PDF of the Presentation

Read what the audience said

The Masterclass Promotions

We used light promotions on FB for 2 weeks directed to Landing Page.

Combined this with Social Media Content, Emails to Registered Users, Cold Emails and WhatsApp reminders.

The Results of the Masterclass Promotion

We got 300+ registrations. 100 attended the webinar.

Packed into 110 minutes, Krishnan Unni, Founder & Director at Pigtail Pundits, delivered an action-packed Masterclass. Brimming with practical to-dos.

The audience simply enjoyed. With many planning to take our Consultancy Services.

The Masterclass Topics

  1. Discover A Powerful Framework That Makes Digital Marketing Crystal Clear And Actionable
  2. Explore Four Common Lead Gen Problems And How To Solve It
  3. Understand Two Kinds Of Websites Out There And How To Recognize It
  4. Assess Six Real Reasons Why Websites Go Bad
  5. Know Six Truths About People That Will Make You A Better Marketer
  6. Consider Five Factors When Building Websites For Results
  7. Use 4 Technologies That Make For Website Success

Next Steps

If you love us to intervene and give our insights on your digital marketing plans and strategies, we have just the service for you. Our Consulting Services are designed for two things:

  1. Grow your power in DM through practical sessions on different topics - we have an entire list from you can choose
  2. Interventions to unlock immediate problems that you face with elegance

Would love to get your feedback on the webinar if you did attend, or viewed the recording here.

Use the comment box below to also alert us any questions that you may have.

Do share this with friends and colleagues who may derive value.