5 Social Media Trends That You Should Be Aware Of

Social Media Marketing has evolved over the years. It has seen new trends and will be undergoing huge changes in the coming years. Therefore, your social media strategy cannot remain static. It is necessary to reassess your strategies, your goals, your social media campaigns once a year so that you don’t lag behind.

It will also give you a clear idea where you should invest a majority of your time as well as your financial resources. Here are the top 5 social media trends of 2014 and beyond:

Social Media as a brand builder

Social Media channels are used to build brands and should be managed accordingly. Brand building impacts your SEO and helps you get sales. You should make sure that the visuals of your social media campaigns are consistent with the rest of the visual branding. Make sure that account name is not copied. Make sure that the overall brand building messages are consistent.

Make your content more visual

63% of social media contains imagery. Visual platforms are playing an increasing role in social media for businesses. The video will also play a bigger role in online brand building. Infographics are another effective promotion tool for businesses with abundant data and stories to tell. You may not see changes immediately, over a period of time through trial and errors you will be able to build strong social media strategy that is made to sell.


By now you must be aware that Facebook is making algorithm changes. If you operate as a brand or business, you will be shocked to hear that your post reaches only 6% of your followers. Further reports suggest that that the number will decrease to 1%. This is done by Facebook to increase advertisement revenues. So, it is advisable not to depend on a single platform for building your brand.

The rising importance of Google+

Google+ is playing an integral part in Google’s organic search algorithm. Facebook and twitter have no impact on the SEO rankings which results in crawling and accessibility issues. If Google wants to use social signals for organic search rankings, it could easily use Google+ data where the crawler access is unhindered. This will help you crawl up the page rankings in search engines. It will yield better results and better conversions.

Integrate SEO, Social Media and Content Creation

We are of the opinion that the online marketing doesn’t happen in isolation. The content you create has a direct implication on your SEO performance, can be effectively used in social media to drive immediate traffic and organic search provides long term traffic.

It’s necessary to understand that all of these work in a synchronised manner to increase visibility for your brand, resulting in bigger audiences and better results for your brand.

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