7 reasons to blog

We were working on a blog site for a client, who over the course of a few years has also become a friend and well-wisher of our company.
I remember, when the senior partner at Pigtail Pundits, briefed me about it, I wasn’t the least bit amused.

”Why in the world does he need a blog?” I protested, “can’t he do the same thing with a website?”

‘Well, look at this way. You and I, we’ve known each other for about 8 years now. There’s so much of depth in you. I have discovered that and lodged that in my memory. Think of it as pages and pages of rich incidents about you. Now on a static page of a website, we can only say so much about you.

”The client believes in bonds and relationships”, the senior partner explained, “and a blog is a better way to maintain those ties, with those whom you know as well as those whom you don’t.”

”Then why not have a forum,” I retorted.

Well, a forum is a good idea too. But it’s better for supporting communities of folks writing, asking, discussing issues. A blog is more an individual thing, limited to small circles of influence at best.

  1. A blog allows you to have a one-on-one online conversation. It reveals different facets of your personality and your insights on different topics.
  2. A blog is a two-way enrichment process: You offer as well as you receive. Insights, comments, ideas, different perspectives
  3. A blog gets you noticed: you wanna go up the corporate ladder; you wish to get hired; you want your customers to find you; you wished to be quoted and linked to other blogs
  4. At a corporate level, you can blog for PR. For keeping in touch with customers, and listening into conversations about your brand
  5. A blog satisfies your primordial craving for writing on subjects that interest you. It makes you look knowledgeable and let the world know it
  6. A blog can be monetized, using a whole bunch of tools available on the web
  7. A blog opens a window between the world and you. And it’s easily the cheapest window to open.

“Point noted,” I replied without a fuss and went on to work on the blog.

What’s been your experience with blogging? Let us know.

May your garden teem and throng with customers

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