Why is everyone going gaga over marketing automation?

Every marketer you meet these days is talking about marketing automation. Some can’t stop recommending it. Others think it’s a passing fad. Some have tried it and failed.

Business owners, on the other hand, are still not sure who to trust.

Many business owners as well as marketers are hesitant about trying marketing automation for their business.

If you, like the many around, are curious about what the big deal is, this article has all the answers you need.

Marketing automation, in simple words, is the use of a software or an online platform to automate your marketing efforts.

It lets you plan, manage, streamline and measure your marketing efforts.

For a modern marketer, dealing with multiple things, marketing automation is the ultimate life-saver. Not only does it speed up your marketing efforts, but it also lets you focus on the bigger picture.

Here are 3 excellent reasons why you should try marketing automation for your business.

1. Scale your business easily

Expanding your business while focusing on customer relations, strategy, planning, execution, and results is not the easiest thing to do. Wouldn’t it be so much better if you could simply automate most of these things?

That’s what marketing automation does for you.

Depending on the platform you use, you can easily automate aspects like lead generation, lead nurturing, cross selling and customer engagement.

Wouldn’t that leave you with so much extra time to focus on growing your business?

2. Focus on what’s important

One of the biggest mistakes marketers make is getting so caught up in doing things, that they are left with little time to think if what they’re doing is actually working.

With tight deadlines and targets to meet, taking the tried and tested route is often the safest bet.

Sadly, this results in bland and boring marketing strategies with lots of flaws.

If you didn’t have to worry about manually doing everything, wouldn’t that pump up your creativity and make your marketing strategy so much better?

3. Save time and money

Marketing is all about doing the right thing at the right time. In today’s times, when things change rapidly, you cannot wait for free time to try out something new.

It’ll only result in a lost opportunity and eventually, a lost customer.

Marketing automation helps you save time and money by letting you focus on what’s important.

Marketing automation is still evolving and as a marketer, it is okay to have a few inhibitions. But not trying something just because you don’t know, isn’t the best way to look at it.

If you’re keen on trying marketing automation for your business but are hesitant, here are some excellent resources to help you decide.

1. All the marketing automation knowledge you need to succeed—all in one place

Drip.com has put together a wonderful eBook on marketing automation that covers everything you need to know.

Right from What is marketing automation to the software you can use and what the future of marketing automation is likely to be, this guide covers it all.

Download a copy of the eBook: The marketing automation knowledge you need to succeed—all in one place, from Drip.


2. The most common marketing automation mistakes people make

Being a relatively new technology, it is natural for people to make mistakes.

Before you start with marketing automation for your own business, do take a look this eBook which talks about the most common marketing automation mistakes people make.

Knowing where others have gone wrong helps prevent you from repeating the same mistakes. It’ll also save you a lot of time and money.


3. Marketing automation for B2B vs B2C: What’s the difference?

Marketing strategies for B2B and B2C vary drastically. What works for one is not likely to be as effective for the other because the processes are not the same. B2B selling is more high value, often involves more than one person making the decision, has a longer gestation period, etc.

Before starting your marketing automation campaigns, it is best to know the difference. It’ll only help you plan and strategize efficiently for your market.

Do read this eBook about the difference in marketing automation for B2B and B2C by Campaign Monitor.


Which marketing automation tool is right for you?

Molly Galetto over at NG Data has put together a comprehensive list: The best Marketing Automation Software: 57 Top Tools and Apps to Automate and Streamline Your Marketing Efforts.


This article lists the pros and cons of different apps, and the costs of each. This will help you decide which tools fit your needs and your budgets.

Marketing automation is the future of marketing.

Modern day marketing is all about generating quality leads and focusing on ROI, more than anything else.

Marketing automatifon not only makes this simpler but also accelerates the rate at which marketers are able to do this.

Have you tried marketing automation for your business?

Are you keen on trying it out? What do you think are the pros and cons of marketing automation? Do share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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