8 Effective Strategies That Can Get You More Leads Online

“Leads are the metrics that we, as marketers, rely on. Because leads mean money.”

Kipp Bodnar 

Here’s what you can do to make ‘inbound lead generation’ happen

Create Irresistible Offers

When an offer is exclusive, scarce or in high demand, it becomes more desirable. Scarcity is great because it creates the fear of missing out and thus a sense of urgency.

Limited Time Offers

This is the most popular kind of offer in the scarcity category.

Limited Quantity Offers

When something is of limited quantity, it becomes exclusive.

Limited Time and Limited Quantity

Groupon is the perfect example of this. All Groupon deals end within a certain time frame, and they limit the number of people who can buy the Groupon.

Demonstrate Social Proof

People prefer doing something that someone they know is doing. Whenever we want to try something new, we ask around and finally decide on a place that someone has been to and recommends. This reduces the risk of a bad experience. So, it is always a good idea to mention the number of people, who have purchased, downloaded, signed up or donated.

Create Titles Wisely

People do judge a book by its cover. If you are selling or promoting something that is a piece of content, such as a white paper, an eBook or a presentation, put some effort into creating an amazing title.
As an experiment to test this theory, the title of an eBook was changed and an A/B test was done to see which one would perform better. Originally, the eBook read “The Productivity Handbook for Busy Marketers”. It was then changed to “7 Apps That Will Change the Way You Do Marketing.” The revised version outperformed the original by 776% at generating leads (first-time submissions) and also resulted in more customers as well.

Place Your CTA Where the Eye Can See It

Calls-to-action (CTA) buttons are the secret sauce to driving people to your offers. If your CTAs aren’t effective at capturing people’s attention and persuading them to click, then it makes the offer useless. So place them appropriately and ALWAYS use action statements for your CTA.

Link CTA’S To Appropriate Landing Pages

Do not use CTAs to drive people to your homepage. Even if your CTA is about your brand or product and not for an offer, send them to a targeted landing page that is relevant to what they are looking for. Landing pages are more effective because they direct your visitors to one particular offer without the distractions from everything else on your website.

Promote Social Sharing

On your landing page, don’t forget to include buttons to enable your prospects to share content and offers. Include multiple social media channels as well as email, since people have different sharing preferences. When your offer is shared, more people land on the page, and, therefore, more people fill out your form and thus more leads.
Also, make use of the social sharing sites. Remember that social media isn’t just for liking funny pictures or tweeting what you ate for breakfast, it is an emerging channel that many businesses are taking advantage of.

Optimise your Forms

Forms are the key to a landing page. Without them, there is no way to “convert” a visitor into a lead. Forms come in handy when it’s time for people to act on the offer, like sign-up, subscribe or download. Make sure that the form is short and crisp because sometimes, people refrain from filling out a form just because it “looks” long and time-consuming. If your form requires a lot of fields, try making the form look shorter by adjusting the styling.

Conduct A/B Testing

A/B testing is a great way to increase leads across all channels and tactics. A/b testing can be used in calls-to-action, landing pages, email marketing, advertising, and more.

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