The wonderful benefits of marketing automation

Marketing automation is referred as, the use of software platforms and technologies specifically designed for organizations to effectively market on multiple online channels like email, social media, websites etc. It helps in automating the repetitive tasks and processes that marketers carry out, reduce human error thereby increasing the efficiency.

So, where can this marketing automation software can be really used?
Well, you can use the software in marketing processes like lead generation, segmentation, lead nurturing, lead scoring, cross-sell and up-sell, customer retention and marketing ROI measurement.

Benefits of Marketing Automation

  • Reaching the customers with the precise message: Marketing automation allows you to reach your target customer with the precise message each and every time. Based on the customer needs and preferences, marketers can tweak their strategies accurately depending upon the customers feedback and preferences.
  • Real time tracking: Google analytics revolutionized the way online marketing was conducted. With its analytics report, it gave us an in-depth view on how many people have visited various pages on our site and other information. Now, how will you feel if you get analytics on every user that visits your website, individual behavior, and preferences? That sounds astonishing, isn't it? Well, the future of marketing automation is single user analytics. With this kind of analytics data, marketers can now determine their goals and will also be able to determine the incremental progress that leads to ultimate goals. Real-time customer behavior is a better indicator of marketing success.
  • Big results don't require big budgets: You no longer need a team of technical experts, sophisticated marketing programs etc. Marketing automation has revolutionized the way marketers plan, personalize and run their campaigns. Now, big results don't require big budgets. It requires only brains.
  • Marketing automation improves conversion rates by 100%. Isn’t it huge? Yes, Marketing automation can bring in huge changes in your conversion rates.
  • Helps to maintain consistency: As an organization you are active on the social networking sites, you have to post regularly in order to promote the organization. Most of the days you are able to post it, on some days, it becomes really difficult as another work becomes a priority. With the help of marketing automation, you can schedule your tweets and facebook posts in advance. These posts will be updated automatically at the scheduled time. This can help you save time and also make you look consistent on the social media platforms. A consistent social media account shows that the organization is concerned about customers communication.
  • Marketing automation makes lead nurturing simple. Previously, you would have to connect with each lead manually, its time consuming and a tedious job. With marketing automation, everything will be automated. For example, A customer visits your website and signs up for your newsletter. You can send them an automated message saying welcome and ask for a survey to know their preferences so that you will be in a better position to offer customers based on their choices.
  • Marketing automation helps you to build a more detailed customer profile. An automated solution helps you to gather more information about the customers purchases, emails opened and responses etc. All this helps you to serve your customers more effectively.

May your garden teem and throng with customers

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